Ella Dane Morgan and Hudson Loverro

Ella Dane Morgan and Hudson Loverro

Many shows involve a role played by a child. These children perform each week, but that leaves us to wonder, what is it like being a child on broadway? One actress by the name of Ella Dane Morgan gives us a glimpse into what it's like to be a child on broadway. Ella plays the role of Lulu, in Waitress. 

Ella's most recent headshot taken by @marykategutierrez

Ella's most recent headshot taken by @marykategutierrez

Q: How old were you had your first audition? What was it for, and when? How did it go?

A: "I was 4 years old and I auditioned for a Japanese industrial commercial. It went great! They asked me what my favorite food is and I told them “Berries! Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries…. I love them all!” I got the part and they asked my brother to be in it too! It filmed last summer in Brooklyn."

Q: How old were you when you got your first professional role? What was the role?

A: "I was 4 when I got the part of Lulu in Waitress."

Q: What do you enjoy about acting? What makes you want to act?

A: "I like being on stage a lot. I like getting to pretend to be someone else. They might be younger or older or live in another country… I like wearing a costume too. Hearing cheers and applause from the audience is my favorite part of all!"

Q: What is it like to have a role in a broadway show? Are there any special things you think we should know?

A: "It's fun!!  I never get tired of coming to work!  The people are amazing and it's like a big family backstage."

Q: What have you learned since you started working on Broadway?

A:  "I've learned lots of new words!  A “cue” is when it's your time to go on stage.  A “note” is when a stage manager has something they would like you to work on or do differently.  An “understudy” is someone who goes on for an actor if they're hurt or sick." 

Q: What do you do to prepare yourself to go onstage? Do you have any pre-show rituals?

A: "I get into costume, I go get my hair done and then hang out in my dressing room for a bit.  I either color or play a game with mommy or do homework.  I make sure to use the restroom and then if I need to get my energy up, I do some jumping jacks.  Just before going on, I hang out with my friends Eric (Anderson) and Jeremy (Morse).  As soon as I hear my cue, I'm ready!!"

Q: How do you remember your lines? Do you have any techniques?

A: "I only have a couple of lines in Waitress and they're pretty easy.  I'm a pretty good memorizer though."

Q: Can you describe your role in Waitress? What is your favorite part about playing Lulu?

A: "Lulu is the main character’s daughter.  She has a pie shop named after her too!  My favorite parts are riding out on the counter when I'm revealed and doing my clog dancing with Ogie."

Q: Are there any funny mistakes someone has made onstage that stuck out to you? 

A:  "Most recently our new Jenna, Betsy Wolfe, really cracked me up.  Her line right before Lulu is born is supposed to be “I don't want no baby, Earl!”  Instead it came out “I don't want no Earl, baby!”  It was hilarious!"

Q: How do you get to and from the theater? Does someone drive you? Is there anything special about your route to the theater?

A:  "My mommy usually drives me to the theater.  We have a long drive into the city so I always have to get a nap in the car.  Sometimes I also watch a movie or color or read too.  I like crossing the George Washington Bridge cause I can see New York City.  I also like Times Square a lot cause you can see all the signs and lights and the new year’s eve ball!"

Much like Ella in Waitress, Hudson Loverro, who performs as Young Calogero in A Bronx Tale Musical on broadway, has answered some similar questions to show us his life as a child on broadway. 

Hudson pictured at "A Bronx Tale" opening night.

Hudson pictured at "A Bronx Tale" opening night.

Q: How old were you had your first audition? What was it for, and when? How did it go?                               

A: “It was for community theater and I sang the song ‘Make a Man out of you’ from Mulan."

Q: How old were you when you got your first professional role? What was/is the role?

A: “Eight. It was a Randy in Christmas Story the Musical at the Paper Mill Playhouse”

Q: What do you enjoy about acting? What makes you want to act?

A: “There are so many things that make me enjoy acting: making people happy, getting to sing and dance aka the things I love to do, and I love getting emerged in the story on stage. My sister inspired me to act and sing but I already wanted to dance (and had been dancing) before she inspired me.”

Q: What is it like to have a role in a broadway show? Are there any special things you think we should know?

A: “Broadway is like this one big community or family. And it’s just amazing to be a part of it. You work with awesome people and do awesome things and I wouldn’t trade it for the world!”

Q: Do you think working with professional actors at a young age has helped you develop your acting skills? How have you improved since working on broadway?

A: “Adults I work with most definitely help me become a better person and actor.”

Q: What do you do to prepare yourself to go onstage? Do you have any pre-show rituals?

A: “I have a lot of pre-show rituals with one of the other cast members. Bobby Conte Thorton who plays the older me synch up with each other and become the same person”

Q: How do you remember your lines? Do you have any techniques?

A: “Practice. Lots of practice and hard work. It also takes time."

Q: Can you describe your role in a Bronx Tale? What is your favorite part about playing Young Calogero?

A:  “My favorite part of playing Young Calogero is ‘I Like It’. It is such a great song and it’s so fun to sing. The dance in it is also really fun.

Q: Are there any funny mistakes someone has made onstage that stuck out to you?

A: "Well one time when Sonny pulled out the gun, it wouldn’t work!”

Q: How do you get to and from the theater? Does someone drive you? Is there anything special about your route to the theater?

A: “We live super close to the the theater so we just walk. Normally one of my parents takes me but sometimes my older sister walks me over”

Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed my first article! I really enjoyed putting this together for you guys! Be sure to follow these two lovely actors on their social medias! Please leave a like and a comment to let me know how you liked this interview! 




The Hamilton Stage Door

The Hamilton Stage Door